Beard was a speedy guard. He only stood 5-foot-10 but was able to cut on a dime and slice through defenses. Beard was a Consensus first team All-American for three straight season. During his time at Kentucky he and Kentucky’s stars went on to win the Olympic Gold Medal while still in college. In the 40s many people could imagine what it would’ve been like to watch a scorer like Beard play. According to Beard’s Obituary, Joe B Hall claims that Beard would be an All-American in today’s game. That’s high praise for any individual. Playing alongside Wah Wah Jones and Alex Groza, that makes three individuals on the Fabulous Five which won two consecutive National Championships.
- 1,517 career points (15th All-Time)
- 3x Consensus All-American
- Olympic Champion
- 4x All SEC First Team
- 4x All-SEC Tournament
- 2x NCAA National Champion
- University of Kentucky Athletic Hall of Fame
- State of Kentucky Athletic Hall of Fame
- Multi Sport Player (Basketball, Football, Baseball)