Kentucky Wildcats Media Day Transcript

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#35 Derek Willis, Fr., F

On being matched up against Julius Randle every day in practice …
“(It’s) good for me you know, I really like it. He’s a super physical player. He’s really strong, and he’s going to be really good so it’s really good for me to play against him everyday.”

On surprising John Calipari in the early practices …
“I’m more of the under-the-radar type of guy. Kids coming in didn’t know what I could do but now they can see that I can play a little bit, and I’m just trying feel myself out on this team and I think it’s going well.”

On the whole experience so far …
“It’s been great. The fans are great. We always stop and talk to them. The whole grind of it all, the practices have been really tough and this is probably one of the hardest things I have done basketball-wise in my life.”

On what he needs to work on to improve …
“Strength. I feel like physically I can’t really body up with people, and I’m not really mature yet physical-wise so probably just getting stronger and that comes with a lot of work.”

#44 Dakari Johnson, Fr., C

On what he’s looking to improve in his game…
“My quickness and speed, each and every day I’m trying to work on running the floor. I’m working on getting the ball up quicker to the basket. I think I’m doing pretty well so far, but I just want to continue to improve.”

On how well everyone on the team has gelled together…
“We are working well together. We all know how to play with each other and I think we are doing a good job of that so far. We have to take it one day at a time and continue to get better.”

On getting into better shape since he’s been on campus…
“I feel a lot different. I’m getting up and down the floor much better and I’m having a good time. I’m much lighter on my feet, and I feel quicker.”

On how practice has been going so far…
“Practices have been good so far, I’m really pushing myself. It’s not easy. Each day you have to come in with the mindset that you are going to get through it, but I think it’s making me a better player.”

On if anyone has surprised him in practice…
“All of them really. I like playing with all of them and everyone is better than I expected. Each day we are pushing each other and practices are tough. That’s the main reason I came here, is to get better each and every day. I get to practice against someone my size or bigger every day, so I’m learning how to play against the best.”

