The posters that UK will distribute to fans who attend the Blue/White game
Well the day is here folks. In two hours the UK football Spring Game will kickoff the Mark Stoops era in Commonwealth Stadium and it should be a good one.
With upwards of 50,000 tickets reserved for the event and numerous fans claiming plans to pick up tickets here at the stadium, UK should easily eclipse the record for Spring Game attendance. As you read this, I will be tailgating with about half of the WBN staff and the rest of the football die-hards outside of the stadium.
There has been some speculation by media-types that cover UK sports that despite the momentum and the massive number of reserved tickets that the true attendance figures will be more in the range of 25,000. While there will undoubtedly be some tickets that go unused, I simply can’t believe that HALF of the Kentucky fans who reserved tickets won’t show up and that no one will get additional seats on game day.
I know the record crowd will be something new around here, but so is the state of the football program. Kentucky has a motivated, sought-after, young staff who have recruited well enough to be recognized nationally. The football program has more support from the university now than at any point in my lifetime. Not to mention the massive facilities upgrades that are coming down the pipe. Kentucky has long been a state that approaches basketball with a football fan attitude and yearned for football success. The team is now headed in the right direction and fans have no reason to stay away from the game. Thunder Over Louisville is next week. The weather is a bit cool but otherwise pleasant. There is a shuttle to transport the drunks from Keeneland. And quite simply, this is the biggest single event going on in Kentucky sports until football season kicks off in Nashville.
The university has promoted the game tirelessly and so have the coaches. They have as many as 50 recruits taking unofficial visits to the game. Several 2013 signees will be in attendance and the buzz about this event has forced Louisville to try to desperately draw a crowd by offering $1 beers at their game. What a slap in the face it would be to see half of the stadium empty again and let Louisville out-draw the Cats. You might as well come out and say you don’t care about Kentucky football and just hide in your hole until basketball season opens.
Now there will be people with legitimate reasons to cancel plans to attend and that is fine. It’s just sports after-all. But not everyone’s grandma got sick yesterday and not everyone’s best friend is moving today. UK has FINALLY taken the step of committing to football, now we as fans have to do the same if we want to see it succeed and continue. Apprehensive fans taking a wait-and see approach to supporting football will never become success. So if you have tickets, come to the game. If you have extras, phone a friend. If you don’t, come get some. If you don’t know how, come find me and I’ll get you some.
For the fans that are going to the game and are here tailgating with the best of them, thank you. For the true Kentucky football die-hards who have helped this team in recruiting and tirelessly promoting the Spring Game, this day is for you. I hope you enjoy yourself and we start a new Spring tradition in the Bluegrass.