Kentucky Wildcats Basketball Head Coach John Calipari Voted 6th Most Underrated Coach In College Basketball


Earlier today an article was published by CBS Sports that was essentially a poll taken by college basketball coaches, to vote on who the most underrated college basketball coaches in the game are.  This article was a part of a summer segment from CBS Sports called “Critical Coaches”.  CBS Sports interviewed over 100 college basketball coaches on several issues surrounding the modern day college basketball coach.  Here is the list of the most underrated college basketball coaches in America:

  1. Fran Dunphy (Temple)
  2. Randy Bennett (St. Mary’s)
  3. Rick Byrd (Belmont)
  4. Bill Self (Kansas)
  5. Buzz Williams (Marquette)
  6. John Calipari (Kentucky)
  7. Bob McKillop (Davidson)
  8. Bob Huggins (West Virginia)

As you can see from the list, University of Kentucky head coach John Calipari came in on the list as the #6 most underrated college basketball coach in the country.  Other big name coaches that made the list were Bill Self of Kansas at #4, Buzz Williams of Marquette at #5, and Bob Huggins of West Virginia at #8.  Included in the article were some anonymous quotes about some of the coaches and here is what one coach had to say about UK head coach John Calipari.

"Sure, he always has talent. But he deserves some credit for being able to manage that talent. He may not be one of the elite game-coaches in the country, but when it comes to pushing the right buttons and recruiting, there aren’t many better."

The article goes on to mention that just because a head coach has won a National Championship, doesn’t make him noticed as one of the best coaches in the game, but for some coaches, it really should, as is the case for Coach Cal and Bill Self.

On a slightly unrelated note, yesterday, the segment of “Critical Coaches” released a poll asking who the most coveted player in America was.  University of Kentucky freshman Nerlens Noel came in at #6 on the list.  But the interesting part was what one coach had to say about Nerlens Noel and Ohio State guard Aaron Craft.

"I’d rather go to four Elite Eights with Aaron Craft than one title game with Nerlens Noel, because the headaches that come with the top players isn’t worth it."

I don’t know about everyone else in the country, but I’d much rather win a National Championship than go to the Elite Eight, regardless of what players I had on my team.  This just seems to be a coach that has some sort of dislike for the University of Kentucky, or a coach who has something against UK freshman Nerlens Noel.  Either way, I feel like that is a ridiculous statement to make and I feel that most other coaches would disagree with that statement as well.

You can find the entire underrated coaches article here. You can find the most coveted player in America article here. Stay tuned to Wildcat Blue Nation for all of your Kentucky Wildcats sports news!