Perry Ellis is not a Wildcat: WBN 4 PM Headlines


Perry Ellis just finished announcing that he will not be joining Archie Goodwin at Kentucky and will be a Kansas Jayhawk. The 6-8 power forward is a Kansas native and chose to stick closer to home.

Will there be some Terrence Jones-like drama where Ellis flip-flops and comes to UK? I seriously doubt it. He seems like a kid that really loves his home state.

Where does Cal go from here? Sure it is disappointing but there are other forwards to get, namely Mitch McGrary, TJ Warren and Alex Poythress. Calipari is still recruiting all three players very hard and Warren and Poythress are both set to take in the glory that is Big Blue Madness.

Good luck to Perry. I’m not going to bash a 17 year old kid that has a good head on his shoulders and his heart in the right place.

Now, some more headlines that are maybe less important.

-In case you didn’t hear, Archie Goodwin committed last night. He is a 5 star shooting guard that was also recruited by Kansas and UConn. Archie gives the Cats a great second guard option from Ryan Harrow at the point. Goodwin stated that it is tough leaving Arkansas but he made th best decision for him and his family. And for the Big Blue Nation.

-Are you sick of expansion talk? I sure am! The Pac 12 mercifully put a stop to it by letting the world know that it will stay put with 12 teams. That’s not to say that other teams won’t leave the Big 12, but for now the conference looks more intact. Missouri is still rumored to be heading to the SEC but that all depends on who you talk to. The same people might tell you that West Virginia is going to be accepted and then will turn around and tell you they are staying in the Big East. Here is what I gather from all of this:

  • The NCAA has no real power whatsoever. If they did they would stop all of this craziness right now, establish their authority and redirect these universities towards actual EDUCATION and the care of the student athlete. The NCAA is a toothless tiger and if they tried to sanction my school or one of my programs right now I would tell them to shove it.
  • Universities really don’t care about educating people anymore. It’s all about the Benjamins, baby.
  • They just need to go ahead and start paying players because that is where this is headed. The rules of the NCAA will be obsolete in a few years.

-Last tidbit on expansion. Louisville fans are getting their feathers all ruffled because some dude posted on his blog that Kentucky was blocking their bid to join the SEC without any evidence for his claims. The SEC doesn’t want Louisville, they never have and the never will. Secondly, if the SEC was trying to bring Louisville in, I would want UK to block it. Why? Because screw Louisville, that’s why.

-Speaking of our unintelligent friends from Da Ville, head recruiter and D-Line coach Clint Hurtt told his players not to get excited about beating Kentucky because “It’s just Kentucky”. Right, Clint. Just like those rumors about you cheating are “Just Rumors” and you are about to “Just get suspended” or possibly “Just get fired” from your job. And you may get Louisville “Just smacked with probation”. Keep talking big boy, it just makes you look dumber.

-Did you hear that our football team plays Florida on Saturday? I’m nervous too. But have no fears, Joker says that he is getting things straightened out and he is as frustrated as the fans are. That makes me feel a little better.

-The student lottery for Big Blue Madness tickets starts at 9:00 P.M. on Monday. I wish I was still a student. Those were the good ole days…

If you are still disappointed about Ellis, let Archie make you smile:

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