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The Dead Horse: WBN 4 P.M. Headlines


There isn’t a lot of news going on right now besides UK football news. I know this is like beating a dead horse but the Cats looked downright awful last night. I was at Big Blue Country last night to watch the game…aaaaawwww heck with it. I’ll give you a short edited rundown of my evening:

-On the way home from work I listened to the Afternoon Under Dogs radio program and laughed as they tried to pump up Louisville fans and lead them to believe that the Cards were going to be any good. Yeah Right!

-I stopped and bought burgers, brats and beer for my own little private tailgate party. Things were looking great.

-I tuned into ESPNU and saw the “All Access Kentucky” football show. Cameras followed the Cats around at practice and meetings. I was very excited because the team looked like they were training and studying hard.

-There was a scene in the show where Morgan Newton overthrew one his receivers so bad that the ball ended up in the parking lot. I didn’t think anything of it at the time.

-Went up to BBC. They had the Louisville game on and we were all cheering as Murray State made a mini-comeback. We laughed as Louisville couldn’t score and I talked smack via Twitter and Facebook to my Louisville friends. I looked over at my friend Lance and said, “We will be Louisville by double digits. No problem.”

-Louisville beats the Racers, Cardinal players dance and jump around on the sidelines like they just beat the Packers in the Super Bowl even though they just beat Murray State 21-9. They surprisingly didn’t give Charlie Strong a Gatorade bath. I Tweeted my disgust at this behavior.

-UK fight song blares over the loud speakers. We all sing “On, On UofK” and drink more. Kentucky football is finally here and damn did those White on White uniforms look good.

-Game starts. Cats can’t move the ball. They can’t run the ball. They can’t throw the ball. This is WKU, but they somehow have the spirit of the Tennessee Titans in them. This is frustrating. I drink more beer.

-Newton throws a lot of bad balls. I recall seeing him throw the ball into the parking lot. I drink more beer.

-Newton throws some good balls. Receivers drop them. I drink more beer.

-Everyone in the bar is complaining and “Whoa is me” and “We are terrible”, “Fire Joker” and yadda, yadda, yadda. It’s 7-3, Cats and I decide to call it a night.

-I watch the rest of the game at home. I go to bed confused and a little deflated. What started as a promising day ended in disappointment and confusion.


It’s the day after and I feel better about things. It was the first game and I am over it. Was I a bit lofty with my 8-4 prediction? Maybe but I wouldn’t change it. Everything I read and heard made that record seem a reasonable goal and reality. I am not going to revise it now, I’m sticking by my guns.

Newton will get back to work as will the receiving core. The defense was promising despite a few breakdowns here and there. Again, it was GAME ONE, people. I’ll reserve judgement on this team AFTER we play Central Michigan and Louisville. Until then, my hopes have been lifted.


-I hope that UK never plays a Thursday night 9:15, non bowl game against a weak opponent again. That was the worst idea in the history of bad ideas and the attendance showed it.

-Big Blue Madness is 40 days away. Hope springs eternal.

-Louisville fans were awful chirpy this morning. Websites, blog posts and message boards were full of the Proud Pigeons squawking about the UK 11 point victory over WKU. I think they forgot they beat Murray State by a measly 12 points. The 1 point difference doesn’t make it any better. And they also still believe they will win the Big East title.

-Mississippi State scored 59 points last night. Boy am I glad we don’t have to play them this…aaawwww nuts!

-Ryan Tydlacka, Winston Guy and Danny Trevathan all had very good games. See, not everybody stunk!

-Check out the Lexington Herald Leaders basketball recruiting blog. It will make you feel better.

That about does it for me. I’m off from the blog until Sunday. Keep checking back with us for more news updates throughout the Labor Day weekend.

I hate to end on a bad note, but this should be fuel for the next time we play WKU.

Hate to break it to you but you lost the game Andrew. There are no moral victories.

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