Yeah, I know, putting Pink on t..."/>

Yeah, I know, putting Pink on t..."/>

Kentucky Wildcats 5For Thursday: The Hits Just Keep Coming Edition


Yeah, I know, putting Pink on the front of the news page is not exactly Journalism 101, but she’s cute and has an attitude, which makes her a lot like me, so too bad for everyone else!!!

First: It’s the Sam and Joe show for the Cats as Coach Cal made it official that Sam Bowie and Joe B. Hall will be coaching the UK Legends team against the Dominican Republic. That is one game I would love to sit on the bench for myself. What am I saying? I would love to sit on the bench for ANY game. A Sea of Blue has a lot of good stuff over there today on a variety of topics. Check in with Glenn, Ken, Alex and the rest of the crew.

Second: In what I am going to call today’s Fantasy Island moment, Tennessee is trying to convince the NCAA that they consider some of their violations to be secondary, in an effort to lower their penalties. Now I do not argue that there were not some secondary violations, i.e. a BBQ that someone should have just told the truth about, however, the NCAA has already shown a willingness to lump secondary violations together into a major. I don’t see the NCAA cutting them any slack here after all of the talk of what really went on, but hey, OSU walked away with nothing more than a bloody lip, why not Tennessee?

Third: Steve Shaw. That is a name you will come to know if you do not know it already. He is the new SEC Head Of Officials. And he has a lot of work to do if he intends to raise the quality of officiating in the SEC. Then again, maybe he likes his cell phone ringing off the hook. Because another year like the last couple, and he may be looking for a place to hide. Hat Tip to John Clay for that one.

Fourth: Over at KSR they are doing their All-Decade Teams. This one is from the 1950’s. Probably the most talented decade (at least until this one is over) since the program began. Check out some of the names over there.

Fifth: Finally, Lee Corso wanted so badly to play UK when he was at UL, he offered to pay the team’s way over to UK to play. He likes Charlie Strong, and he likes the UK-UL Football game. Sounds like we need to stick a fifth consecutive win on the boards and temper his excitement a little bit, eh?

Bonus: There are still a lot of reports coming out about the Desmond Allison murder. Maybe I should not call it that, but I will say this, it was definitely avoidable. Two women fighting over something stupid like a baseball cap, leads to the death of a man trying to stop the fighting. It is just deplorable, and I hope the almighty can make a better life for Desmond’s children than Desmond had himself.

My Thoughts: If we have come to a time in the world where a baseball cap can lead to shooting, then we need to take a serious step back and look hard at what is going on in this world folks. We have programs cheating every way they can possibly find to try and gain an edge in football, basketball and God only knows what else. The country is on it’s way to financial ruin if cooler heads don’t prevail, and for some folks to find a decent job out there is nigh on to impossible. Maybe it’s time we all stopped and remembered to smell the roses along the way, and remind ourselves, “it’s only a game”.

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