Kentucky Wildcats Basketball: Taking One For The Team

That’s MY team in the photo above. The 2010-2011 University of Kentucky Wildcats Mens Basketball Team. I watch them, study them, scream at them, love them, and over the past few weeks, have been in awe of them. You see I do this because I love it. My wonderful salary and position here at Wildcat Blue Nation as Asst. Editor not withstanding (e-mail me and I will tell you how much I am getting for this, if you have not already guessed), I am now, and always shall be a UK fan.

So when I started writing and blogging and doing webcasts and such, I kind of figured that eventually I would push some buttons that would cause some folks to react to my opinions and such. You see, I have done that very thing. I have taken umbrage with the likes of Pete Thamel, Dan Shaugnessy, Pete Prisco, Gregg Doyel, and even Matt Jones and John Clay, when I felt the need to express my opinion strongly. I have sent countless e-mails to some of these guys, and over time I have even gotten to be well acquainted with some of them. And when I do e-mail them, I send the same information that I send when I e-mail my own mother. I do not hide my info, because a) I welcome the reactions, and b)I want them to know who they are talking to. That way they can check out my body of work (as I do theirs), and see what my over all position on the matter is. And also, so that they know that I am a homer of the most serious variety. But in no uncertain terms, I want to be open and honest with the person I am talking to, and I expect them to do the same, and I have been pleasantly surprised that they are also the same way.

So, when I received my first piece of “hate mail” this morning at 6 AM, I was confused at first, and then a kind of pleasant feeling came over me. This person who, did not leave a name, did not mention which of my pearls of wisdom that he was referring to, and did not give me much information at all, left me this message:

Fr: (retracted)
Re:bus ride

Enjoy the ride on the Calipari bus of sanctions coming to you soon.
Sent on the Sprint® Now Network from my BlackBerry®

So, as I read these words I realized I had arrived as a blogger. But more importantly, I am now a known Calipari Defender (That’s like a Dynasty Defender with some common sense). But I am a bit perturbed he didn’t leave a name or subject matter he read, or anything else at all.

All of you who have read my work, know that I write both here and over at A Sea Of Blue, and I comment on literally dozens of other websites about Coach Cal and the Cats. I defend my positions with as much information and detail as I have at my disposal at the time, unless it is not prudent or necessary (this is for all of the bigots, jerks, and morons, who do not deserve the effort) to make my case.

My conclusion here is this, I don’t mind taking the heat for something I said in defense of my Cats. I only request that you let me know about what you are referring to when you write or call or message or text or post, or whatever it is you feel so strongly about that you feel the need to express it directly to me. I welcome the interaction, so I can educate the ignorant among the world out there about what it is I believe. My e-mail is public, and anyone can send me a note, or a comment if they so choose, just let me know what you are talking about. So ogui…(again, the rest retracted) you know who you are, just let me know what you want to correspond about, and I will be glad to. And if you wish to remain anonymous, I have no problem with that either, because I am not going to release anything you don’t want released.

And to think, just two years ago, I was a simple mild-mannered blogger who wears glasses and didn’t get noticed by anyone. I can’t fathom what someone will e-mail me with next, after the Cats beat Ohio State, can you?

Keep following www. for the best in Kentucky basketball and football news, rumors, and opinions. By Kentucky fans for Kentucky fans

