Hello there, nice to meet you. I would like to introduce myself as your newest blogger on WBN.
My name is Ryan and I am a sports-aholic.
Let me be the first to tell you that my grammar will suffer, my spell check will undoubtedly have no clue what I’m trying to spell and my sentences will look like a third grader constructed them after eating play-dough and paste. With that being said, I hope to offer a funny side to sports with some inside knowledge to the UK athletics inter-workings.
Now with all the pleasantries out of the way, let’s get down to business.
I sure hope Terrence Jones gets “sick” more often.
Apparently Mr. Jones started the game on the bench in last night’s route because the day before he was coughing up blood and mucus. But after John Calipari’s comments after the Georgia loss about possibly seeing some line-up changes many had doubts as to the real reason Kentucky went with its first line-up change since the start of the season. If it was Cal’s intent to send a message to Jones, I’d say message well received.
As I’m sure you know by now Jones set the Freshman scoring record at UK for the second time in a month passing Doron Lamb’s 32 point outburst against Winthrop. Jones tallied 35 points and 8 rebounds which led to Jones playfully apologizing to Lamb for “one upping him”. Jones also added that he didn’t expect that record to last long with Brandon Knight on the floor. After these point totals coming off the bench, you might see all the starters begging to become UK’s sixth man ( sorry E-Rupption Zone).
As for the game… yawn… Darius Miller started the game with a three pointer and essentially it was over quicker than a Rick Pitino sexual encounter. Auburn is just a bad team, plain and simple and they do not have the talent to match up with Kentucky. The Cats built a 20 point lead and basically coasted the rest of the way. I’m not sure you can take much out of this game. The defense effort seemed disinterested in the 2nd half and not many people can blame them.
- Josh Harrellson and Brandon Knight seemed to have off games.
- Lamb played well on the offensive end, but his defense lagged.
- Liggins didn’t stuff the stat sheet, but he made Earnest Ross, Auburn’s leading scorer, disappear.
- Darius Miller was excellent in the first half, but turned into Disapearius Miller in the second half. He was very physical, though, and I did like that. He was also aggressively looking to score.
- Eloy Vargas can’t seem to buy a break. At one point he plays tough defense, blocks a shot and subsequently turns the ball over. He will grab an offensive rebound and then get his shot blocked. Sometimes I think he is wearing skates out on the court. He spends more time laying on the ground than Vinny Tatum. I really, really hope the light switches on for him soon, because we desperately need another post presence.
Overall this is what the Cats needed for a bounce back game. A chance to coast a little, regain some confidence and move on to the next game. Cal obviously saw some things to work on as far as rebounding a effort throughout the entire game, but he had to be pleased with getting Jon Hood and Stacey Poole some extended minutes.
Anyways on to LSU..
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Post game interview with the man of the hour:
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