Here we are, about three days till the start of Kentucky’s basketball practice and the haters out out with the greatest ferocity.with not one, but two ludicrous “reports hitting the internet. It’s become the practice of this site to not link any of these hacks because we all know that web hits are all they are really seeking. But it is our policy to thoroughly mock these “writers” and expose them for the hacks that they really are.
First, we go to hater number one at the New York Times, and the supposed mouthpiece of Pat Forde. Note that I said supposed. That is what you do when you are making an allegation based on nothingness. Instead Pete Thamel publishes his tripe under the guise of news when in reality it is just rehashed garbage.
The Calipari-obsessed Thamel now writes his fourth (I lost count) article on Kentucky basketball this summer and once again, he sniffs around the Enes Kanter case. Keep in mind that absolutely nothing Pete Thamel is writing is indeed something that is going to influence the NCAA’s position or even inside information about the Kanter decision. Thamel is as in the dark as the rest of us, but since his hits increase by a million or so when he writes about Kentucky, so he has made his summers work to “expose” John Calipari.
In this latest edition of slime, Thamel boasts of an email conversation with FU GM Nedim Karakas in which Karakas continued to make claims that Kanter’s dad is the one that negotiated the salary that Enes supposedly received and Karakas once again made the claim that he has forwarded the proper documentation to the NCAA and expressed dismay that Kanter had been practicing with the Wildcats:
"“It was a surprise for us to learn that the N.C.A.A. permitted Enes to practice with U.K.,” he said. “The documents we have provided the N.C.A.A. with should have been sufficient to decide.”"
Apparently not. Thamel did go back and rehash the whole pre-UK Enes situation and made the
claim that Kanter was not interested in getting an education and that he basically was not a student. Interesting thing about these emails…. Karakas does not speak English and Thamel does not speak Turkey (gobble, gobble — or is it Turkish) so you really wonder what was lost in translation when these emails were sorted out. Or who was on the other end of the emails that Thamel was receiving. Karakas? An intern? the cleaning lady. Even Thamel does not know, yet he publishes it as the Bible:
"“Enes has a good basketball potential yet academically, he is not gifted as much,”"
Kind of sounds like Borat was on the other end of that email.
And the second bit of Haterade? I actually don’t want to mention it because it is so amateurish, yet it is so bad, it is delicious. Now, I am not going to link it or even give this hack the courtesy of a name mention, but a blog recently published a list of “College Basketball’s 10 Dirtiest coaches”
In at number 9 is Ohio State’s Thad Motta, who the writer admits has no NCAA violations, but is there because of “guilt by association”. mmmm OK. Nice research. At number 5, we get an idea of where this article is going with former UK Coach Eddie Sutton listed. Note none of the other schools Sutton coached at were mentioned. And we get a fore bearing as to who will be number one. Here is all the author wrote to place Sutton at number 5:
"Fed Ex envelopes filled with cash was Kentucky’s shame (at least until Calipari came to town)."
Wow, that is some good, unbiased reporting! OF course, good ole John Calipari made the list at number one. What a shock. It’s surprising that someone even attempts to compile a list like this without Roy Williams and John Wooden on this list, but hey, this guy that writes for a blog calls himself a “hard hitting journalist” on his Wikipedia page, so it has to be true. Right?
Ugh. Embrace the hate.
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