Michael O’Brien and the Chicago Sun – Times continued their rumor driven attack on the University of Kentucky and a 17 year old kid and his family despite getting legal warnings. As we mentioned yesterday, the University of Kentucky’s legal representation sent out a sharply worded letter to the Chicago Sun – Times telling them basically to quit spreading lies or face the wrath of legal action.
It seemed to work … for a day, as the offending article was pulled and a fluffier piece was put up, but today, the Chicago Sun – Times fired back with another attack piece under the guise of a news story and this time said they had THREE sources saying that Anthony Davis Sr had asked the schools for money ranging from $125,000 to $150, 000 in exchange for his son’s recruitment. Even in the article, the Sun – Times acknowledged that Davis Sr was denying the claims and he told the newspaper they were “ruining his life”.
It wasn’t long before Kentucky issued yet another statement:
"The University of Kentucky is dismayed by the continued lack of professionalism and responsible journalism exhibited by Michael O’Brien and the Chicago Sun-Times in running yet another false and defamatory story on August 6, 2010, regarding the University’s recruitment of a high school student-athlete. Both the father of this student-athlete and the University have repeatedly told Mr. O’Brien that these unsubstantiated “rumors” are untrue. Neither the University of Kentucky nor any member of its Athletic Department has offered or paid any money or other illegal benefits to the student-athlete or his family.Mr. O’Brien’s August 6 story also mischaracterizes the NCAA’s involvement in this matter by stating that “the NCAA is ‘checking’ into the recruitment of” the student-athlete. The University of Kentucky spoke with David Price, NCAA Vice President of Enforcement, who advised that the NCAA contacted Mr. O’Brien simply to inquire as to the alleged sources for his article and that “this in no way confirms an NCAA investigation of the University” or an examination of the recruitment of the named student-athlete. It is the University’s understanding that such an inquiry represents the NCAA’s normal procedure any time allegations of misconduct are made, no matter how outrageous or unsubstantiated they may be.The University of Kentucky has put Mr. O’Brien and the Chicago Sun-Times on notice that these published statements are false and defamatory. The University fully supports any action the student-athlete and his family may take against Mr. O’Brien and the Chicago Sun-Times. The University is also evaluating all available rights and remedies it may have against Mr. O’Brien and the Chicago Sun-Times in responding to these false and defamatory statements"
As always, whenever something happens concerning Kentucky, our favorite twitterers turn out en masse to opine on the matter…on Twitter , of course. Gary Parrish attempted to play the semantics game by saying that the UK response just said that UK or it’s athletic department did not pay money and it did not mention anything about boosters or agents paying the money. Really Gary? What part of The University of Kentucky has put Mr. O’Brien and the Chicago Sun-Times on notice that these published statements are false and defamatory did you not get? A little later, Parish admitted that
"FYI: I still believe Wednesday’s story was insane and embarrassing, and this one remains sloppy"
Over at The Sporting News, Mike DeCourcy seems to have real problems with the Sun Times and their handling of the story firing off a series of tweets critical of the Chicago Sun – Times and questioning their motives:
Down in Memphis, Calipari obsessed writer/ UK antagonist Dan Wolken seemed to be the only voice offering up even remote support for Michael O’Brien. To be fair, Wolken has said that the release of the original story was bad, but part of him seems to think that if today’s story was released originally, public sentiment would be a lot different:
"UK responds powerfully to Sun-Times article with news release. Cites dismay at “continued lack of professionalism” by paper and writer. This is why you don’t write a piece when you don’t have it pinned down"
Gregg Doyel of CBS Sports seems to pretty much sum up the thoughts of not only the BBN, but most of college basketball fans with his tweets:
"If the original had been handled in the same way today’s was, the S-T would have been lauded, not slammed"
"Goodman, Katz, Parrish, Forde, none of them could find ONE school to say it. The S-T’s preps guy found THREE schools to say it? Riiiiiiiight Listen, if the S-T said “one college coach says he was asked for 200K,” I’d think, hmmm. But the S-T found THREE schools? Bullsh-t"
Keep following www.http://wildcatbluenation.com for the best in Kentucky basketball and football news, rumors, and opinions. By Kentucky fans for Kentucky fans