Mike Bianchi takes "Tebow love" to a new extreme

I think the hardest part of being a Wildcat living in Florida is having this guy (video) living above me during Florida football games. OK, I don’t know if it is actually him, but from the sounds coming from his place during the UF/ Charleston Southern game, I am inclined to think so. And it was probably louder last night than it was during the Gator’s National Title win over Oklahoma. (For the record, Sam Bradford’s expression on the bench last night was priceless – I came back for THIS?). My neighbor recently got an ill behaved mutt and named him “Tebow” so it’s obvious that his mancrush on Timmy Legend is growing.

And he is not the only one. I opened my Orlando Sentinel today and was greeted by a HUGE picture on the sports front page with about a 2 inch bold headline proclaiming “THE GREATEST”. Resident Tebow hugger Mike Bianchi had an article entitled “All fans should revel in Tebow’s historic journey”. Bianchi went on a minute by minute breakdown of the start of Tebow’s night and proclaimed “When you’re watching history being made, you want to record it for future generations, right?” Ugh. I kid you not.

Bianchi continues his unabashed manlove for Tebow by calling him the “greatest player in the 140 year history of the game” and compares watching Tebow play football is akin to being lucky enough to watch Babe Ruth, Muhammad Ali, Jim Brown, or Michael Jordan in their primes.

There was more ridiculousness if you went to page C6 of the Sentinel where there was a full page spread. What is shameful about all of this is that the Sentinel dissed the hometown UCF Knights and gave them a much smaller story on page 1 about their 28-24 win over Samford and the Knight’s full page coverage was relegated to C-11.

So what did Tebow do to warrant this grandstanding? He led the defending national champion Gators (and current number 1) Gators to a 62-3 pasting of I-AA Charleston Southern. For his night, Tebow was 10-15 for 188 yards with 1 TD pass. Tebow added a rushing TD and had 1 yard rushing on 2 carries. Not bad numbers for a half, but not exactly Superman. For comparison, UK’s Mike Hartline led UK to a 42-0 win over Division 1 team Miami of Ohio. Hartline went 18-27 for 218 yards with 2 TD passes. Hartline added 11 yards rushing on 3 carries.

Am I saying that Hartline is better than Tebow? Of course not. But it is obvious that many QB’s had much better stats than Tebow last night, so let’s not try to take Muhammad Ali’s moniker away from him yet. Besides, Bianchi, do you really want to get all of your man love for Tebow out in game 1? Spread it out over the season and relish it for next year when the faces of 25 Gators arrested in four years become the face of the program rather than St. Tebow.

And follow the cardinal rule of a sportspage and show the LOCAL team the right amount of love.

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